Monday, June 25, 2012

Liburan Tiba...?

Hi there!

OSP berakhir, UAS berakhir (akhirnya saya ikut susulan)... saatnya rapot, penjurusan, terus liburan! Tadinya itu yang saya pikir, ternyata bagi rapot & penjurusan-nya tanggal 29. Jadi sekarang masih deg-degan haha orz.

Berhubung di post terakhir saya nggak sempet menjabarkan tentang momen-momen OSP tanggal 5 Juni yang dilaksanakan di SMA 3 (gedungnya bagus, antik kayak sekolah-sekolah Jepang =D), akan saya lakukan sekarang (secara garis besar)

Sebelum Tes

1 hour later... (Biologi Sel & Molekuler & Mikrobiologi, Anatomi & Fisiologi Tumbuhan, Etologi, Ekologi)

2 hours later... (Anatomi & Fisiologi Hewan)

3 hours later... (Genetika dan Evolusi)

Keluar Ruangan

....... yah, begitulah. Satu-satunya hal yang menyenangkan dari OSP adalah: boleh makan/minum. Jadi pas lagi ngerjain temen saya cowok asik makan biskuit, dan naasnya saya lupa minta (padahal pas pembinaan minta mulu).

Pengumumannya... kalau OSP biasanya lama. Lagian saya gak begitu optimis kok Mungkin akhir bulan? Yang pasti OSN-nya September.

Merayakan berakhirnya OSP, ada yang penasaran kelanjutan doujin (?) ATP di post kemarin-marin? Mari kita lanjutkan!!

HAPPY END *disodok*

Setelah Balada OSP berakhir, saya menerjang UAS... only to find out Geografi dapet 78; remed (KKM-nya 80) NOOOOOO... dan saking susahnya UAS MTK, KKM MTK diturunin jadi 60. Whew. Saya nggak tau nilai saya berapa btw, soalnya susulan jadi ada beberapa nilai yg udah discan tapi nggak sempet saya liat (udah males masuk hahaha #plak)

UAS berakhir, gabut time (baca: disuruh masuk sekolah padahal nggak ngapa-ngapain), akhirnya saya meliburkan diri dengan awesome. Hari Sabtu kemarin saya jalan-jalan bareng waifu Atinna beserta sepupu dan kakaknya ke PIM untuk makan Honey Toast di Pasta de Waraku (enak suwer, manisnya makjan tapi bikin gendut OTL). 

Dan HP baru waifu, Sony Xperia atau apa gitu...


WOOO KALO SAYA GANTI HP ITU BISA MAIN MADOMAGI PORTABLE, CIEL NO SURGE, SAMA GAME-GAME DS SEKALIGUS-----tapi kata dia suka nge-lag sih, harus beli memory stick baru. PSVita masih mahal euy. Kalo Pokemon buat 3DS keluar saya lgs beli 3DS dan ngacangin PSVita deh /woy

Tanggal 26-28 nanti saya bakal nginep di Cipanas dalam rangka perpisahan kelas saya tercinta, X-3 aka Sentripetal (Super Ten Three Pelajar Tingkat Internasional). Uuuuuu, nggak mau pisah ;______; why oh why...

Selagi saya mager di rumah, saya nge-doodle Homo ka Magica. COLORING-NYA HALF-ASS TOLONG ABAIKAN. Oh dan di gambar-gambar ini para Mahou Shounen saling bertukar gaya berpakaian, coba tebak siapa sedang memakai gaya pakaian siapa~

Holy Father of Faggots, Papi with his loyal servant, Kyuubette

Texture abuse version here at deviantArt

Oh yeah, ketauan banget saya males-malesan ngeshading bajunya (terutama Saikazu)

Saya rasa segini saja........ OH YA minna pada ke GJ UI yang tanggal berapa? Atau Ennichisai? Ketemuan yuk~~ ^3^ /bricked


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

[Composition] Quiet Stream of Gentle Stars

Jam 9-12 tadi, saya baru saja menjalani seleksi OSP Biologi bersama anak-anak bidang IPA lainnya...

... Soal kesan dan pesan tentang hal tersebut akan saya sampaikan kapan-kapan (mencegah penumpahan stress berlebih /dor), sekarang saya mau ngepost salah satu komposisi (lagu buatan) saya ya... just because (?).

Judulnya Quiet Stream of Gentle Stars.

Using FL Studio, Edirol Orchestral (VST), and Hypersonic (VST).

Ah, kalimat-kalimat gaje di bawah ini sama sekali bukan lirik lagunya, cuma hal-hal yang terpikir pas saya nulis lagu ini.

Quiet Stream of Gentle Stars

Opening the window to the jet black world like what I always do
Tonight is going to be another secret orchestra just between you and me
Conducted by the quiet stream of gentle stars which extends its tune to tomorrow
Can you feel the kind light that has ascended and enveloped us in the crack between the skies?

Let’s walk to the end of this manifestation of freedom we call sky
No matter how far we won’t leave any footsteps
So when you furtively stop to walk behind my trails and slowly become thin and disappears
I won’t even notice, will I?

O stars that have always watched us from above, will you pretend that you didn’t see this moment when I shed my tears?
I want to believe that there’s a meaning behind those seemingly random sparkles on the vast sky
O stars, because I know you have always accompanied me in those serene nights, seeming close like you’re going to fall onto my arms
So when are you finally going to fall and embrace my fragile existence?

I can feel the time and space finally moving again
As I looked up, I found something that has always been here
Smiling to myself and taking off my dusted shoes
Can you guess who’s going to lose themselves in yet another secret orchestra?

I envy you the quiet stream of gentle stars above
So warm so peaceful so kind extending  to hold us in your affectionate hands
Even when something starts to differ and slowly become thin and disappears
You’ll notice it right away, won’t you?

O stars that have always watched us from above, will you pretend that you didn’t see this moment when I shed my tears?
I want to believe that there’s a meaning behind those seemingly random sparkles on the vast sky
O stars, because I know you have always accompanied me in those serene nights, seeming close like you’re going to fall onto my arms
So when are you finally going to fall and embrace my fragile existence?

O stars that I have always watched from below, please don’t ever change
What you have witnessed and remembered will always be within me
O stars, I want to believe that someday I can be like you
So when am I going to notice this tiny but tremendous warmth in my fragile existence?


((So… can you feel the subtle MamiHomu in this kind-of-lyrics? *kicked*))


... Saya ngapain sih. #dor